We Educate
We raise social consciousness about Ambazonia and its people. Include sending ambassadors to raise awareness about the crisis.

We Build
We help build local schools, startup businesses, clean water wells. Supporting refugees & ending this crisis is our priority.

$20 a month can pay for a child born in a refugee camp to have food, essential vitamins and have access to attend school.

We Help
We help refugees, political prisoners, AMBA businesses, and more. Our goal is to create a permanent resolution & end the Genocide.

Millions of Ambazonians
Need Our Help!!
You Are The Difference Maker & The Solution
Njangih is a one-stop-shop for your donations to help the victims of genocide including refugees spread all over the United States and across the world, those currently held in detention as political prisoners, internally displaced persons and others.
Our programs include sending out ambassadors to raise social consciousness about the crisis on a local and global level, and to hold fundraising events in order to provide immediate relief and assistance to the suffering victims regardless of their race, ethnicity, or religion.

Donate, Act, Volunteer. Engage
We strive to be the leading one-stop shop & organization in the provision of support for the victims of the genocide in Southern Cameroons (Ambazonia).
refugees helped
incredible volunteers
successful campaigns
Support of Refugees & End the Genocide
To work in partnership with other organizations to positively transform the lives of the world’s most vulnerable victims of conflict and genocide.
Help End the Genocide in Ambazonia
Donating just $20 a month can pay for a child born in a refugee camp to have food, essential vitamins and have access to attend school. If you’d like to support SC Njangih Foundation’s work, this is the best place to start. Whether you want to make a donation, organize a fundraising event or follow us through social media, your support makes a real difference.

Why We Need You
Awareness & Engagement
The genocide of Ambazonia's people, people simply seeking freedom, is barely known about internationally, which is a travesty. This is why with your assistance & engagement, we aim to help bring global attention to this crisis. Our end goal is to engage all stakeholders towards a permanent resolution. Become a world changer, help us fight to end the genocide.
End the Genocide in Ambazonia
Even an unheard-of Genocide is still genocide, and will always be a crime against humanity. The Genocide of Ambazonia means living under a brutal militarized occupation, in fear that you or your family will be killed, because of cultural differences. The indefinite detention of political prisoners based on false charges. Being forced to make the decision between becoming a refugee, displaced internally & globally, or to stay put and face death. These are the abhorrent situations that Ambazonians find themselves in, and why it's important to help. Get involved and make a difference.
Importance of Partnerships
To work in partnership with other organizations to positively transform the lives of the world’s most vulnerable victims of conflict and genocide.
To maximize our impact on current efforts, we may seek to collaborate with other non-profit organizations which fall under the 501(c) (3) section of the internal revenue code and are operated exclusively for educational and charitable purposes.
Internships & Volunteer Opportunities
At times, per the discretion of the board of directors, we may provide internships or volunteer opportunities which will provide opportunities for involvement in said activities and programs in order to have a greater impact for change.
We Hear You Ambazonia
Our programs include sending out ambassadors to raise social consciousness about the crisis on a local and global level.
“The African idea of Njangih means that we bring people together so that they can help each other. It is therefore so natural for me to give SC Njangih because I know that we are helping our own.”
Ngomba, Victoria
Southern Cameroons“In the over four years of the Ambazonian conflict, it has become increasingly clear that if we don’t help our people, the International Community will not show up until the flies are hovering around their bodies. So thank you for taking the initiative.”
Bokake, Yaoundé
La Republique du Cameroun“It feels good to finally have a trustworthy organization managing a non-profit based in the US and helping Ambazonians wherever they may find themselves. We have Amba people here in the US who need our help. And we must help them like we help those elsewhere.”
Washington, DC, USA“What will happen to my family if I am abducted by LRC agents? I am glad that you have established a Legal Defense Fund and I give because I want to make sure that all Ambazonian Freedom Fighters know that we have their back.”
London, UK“Some people have paid the ultimate price for our freedom. We cannot abandon their families. So every time I make a donation, I feel like I am making a difference.”
Dubai“I hate what LRC is doing to Ambazonians. Although I do not consider myself an Amba, I donate to support all victims of the genocide.”
Paris, France“The key to solving the conflict in the Cameroons is to garner international attention to the genocide. So my giving supports all educational programs and campaigns that will get the attention of world leaders.”
Beijing, China“It is unbelievable how easy and transparent you have made this process. Keep up the good work.”
Joseph K.W.
Port Harcourt, Nigeria“Your focus on unifying people and bringing all Ambazonians to collaborate on their common causes is why I support you.”
Cape Town, South Africa“I want you to tell the victims of the liberation war that help is on the way. As long as I live, I will always support them.”